Sunday, May 3, 2020

About Quran and it's Authenticity.comp.raf

🔴About Quran and it's Authenticity.

The Quran: A Complete and fully detailed Book

Belief in the Quran can be called genuine only if a person believes and upholds six prime attributes of the Book:


🔵FIRST: The Quran is the word of God.( 6:155-157).

🔵SECOND: The Quran is perfect with no contradictions.(11:1)

🔵THIRD: The Quran is clear and with no ambiguity.((12:1 and 44:58),( 72:21),( 3:7),(4:40),( 5:6).

🔵FOURTH: The Quran is straightforward with no crookedness.(39:28),(2:197),( 9:36),

🔵FIFTH: The Quran is complete.(6:115),( It is also in violation of 17:73-75 and 69:43-47 where God warns the Prophet not to attribute to God anything other than the Quran),(69:43-47),(Throughout the Quran, we are told that the only revelation received by Muhammad from God was the Quran (see 4:105, 5:48, 6:19, 6:92, 6:155, 29:47, 16:89, 39:2, 76:23).

🔵SIXTH: The Quran is fully detailed.( 6:38),(6:114-115),(12:111),(16:89).


All Muslims will certainly testify to the first condition, that the Quran is the word of God. It is in connection to the other five conditions that they will have lots of 'ifs and buts'! Sadly the great majority of Muslims will fall short on some, or on all of the other five attributes.
God promised that the Quran will be preserved (15:9). What this means is that we should concentrate on obeying the law of God given in the Quran, and let God worry about the preservation of the Quran.

When we stand in front of God on the Day of Judgement, He will not ask us about the Sana or Samarkand Qurans, but we will be accountable to whether we obeyed and followed the Quran in our hands or not.

In the Quran, we are given clear instructions to follow the Quran as the only source of religious guidance and law. All the rituals, practices, prohibitions, and instructions are fully detailed in the Quran.
How do you utter your Shahada? How do you observe your Salat, and how many times a day? How do you observe your Zakat, to whom and when? The Quranic law provides every little detail about all those.and all other religious matters.

Those are some of the things you should be worrying about if you wish to attain an honourable judgement on the important Day.

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