✴️1)-6:59-Gaib only Allah knows/No leaf fall.
✴️2)-18:1,39:28-No crooked(কুটিলতা)in Qur'an.
✴️3)-19:97,39:28,43:3,44:58-Quran Arabic language of Rasool.
✴️4)-54:17,22,32,44-Quran easy to learn.
✴️5)-Quran explain itself-link- https://bbraf.blogspot.com/2020/05/quran-explain-itself.html?m=1
✴️6)-69:40,81:19-Quran is the speech (قَوْلُ)of Rasool.
✴️7)-Rasool followed only Quran- https://bb2raf.blogspot.com/2020/05/the-messenger-followed-only-quran.html?m=1
✴️8)-Hadith in Quran- https://bb2raf.blogspot.com/2020/05/the-words-hadith-in-quran-not-so-called.html?m=1
✴️9)-12:40, 49:16-Out of Quran practice ebadah is not Islam.
✴️10➡️5:3, 4:174, 11:1-Religion of Islam is perfected and completed.Hence no need of any other man-made books.
✴️12➡️29:51-Quran is sufficient.
✴️12➡️25:32, 12:111, 6:114-Quran is the BEST TAFSIR, 12:1-2-BEST NARRATIVE.
✴️13➡️39:17-18, 39:23-Quran is the BEST HADITH.
✴️14➡️17:9-Quran is the ONE which guides to WHAT IS BEST.
✴️15➡️4:82-Quran has NO contradiction.
✴️➡️Fatwa the Islamic law only can Allah:-
Are we allowed to follow Hadiths?
QUESTION: Are we allowed to follow Hadiths? ANSWER: Brozer asked a very good question. No you’re not allowed! 1 == QURAN IS PERFECT & COMPREHENSIVE Our CREATOR said He PERFECTED our religion of Islam (Quran.com/5:3), that ONLY Islam will be accepted (Quran.com/3:85), and that following ANYTHING of the religion which Allah has not authorized is SHIRK (Quran.com/42:21). WHO perfected it? You think ALLAH perfected it, or those hearsay Hadith books written 200+ years later have perfected it?? ALLAH said the QURAN is: PERFECTED (Quran.com/11:1), COMPLETE (Quran.com/4:174), a clarification of ALL THINGS (Quran.com/16:89), contains EVERYTHING (Quran.com/17:12), FULLY-DETAILED (Quran.com/6:114), DIVERSIFIED (Quran.com/17:41 & Quran.com/20:113), CLEAR (Quran.com/12:1, Quran.com/3:138, Quran.com/6:105), is EASY to remember (Quran.com/54:17,22,32,40), has NO DOUBT (Quran.com/2:2), has NO DEVIANCE (Quran.com/18:1), has NO CROOKEDNESS (Quran.com/39:28), has NO CONTRADICTIONS (Quran.com/4:82), is in a CLEAR ARABIC LANGUAGE (Quran.com/16:103), has from EVERY example (Quran.com/18:54, Quran.com/30:58), is a detailed explanation of ALL THINGS (Quran.com/12:111), is the BEST TAFSIR (Quran.com/25:32), is the BEST NARRATIVE (Quran.com/12:1-2), is the BEST HADITH (Quran.com/39:17-18, Quran.com/39:23), is the ONE which guides to WHAT IS BEST (Quran.com/17:9), is AN IMAM (Quran.com/46:12), cannot be matched even if all man & jinn kinds helped each other (Quran.com/17:88), and is SUFFICIENT (Quran.com/29:51) … yet all of this is not sufficient for you – dear believer??? 2 == PROPHET MUHAMMAD HAD NO OTHER GUIDANCE Our Creator said the majority is misguided (Quran.com/6:116, Quran.com/5:49) and are actually MUSHRIKS/POLYTHEISTS (Quran.com/12:106), and commanded us to REASON (Quran.com/8:22) and NOT follow blindly (Quran.com/17:36). He ONLY preserved the QURAN (per Quran.com/15:9 & Quran.com/41:41-42, Quran.com/22:52), and told us to seek refuge when reading the QURAN (Quran.com/16:98). He said we CAN’T have 2 sources (Quran.com/39:29), and that those who study another book & choose from another book are CRIMINALS (Quran.com/68:35-38). He said inheriting the religion instead of following what Allah revealed leads to HELL (Quran.com/31:21). There is ZERO mention of ANY Prophet’s “Hadith” or “Sunnah” in the fully-detailed Quran. Allah swt said His SUNNAH has NO change or alteration (Quran.com/35:43), the Quran was IMPOSED on the Prophet (Quran.com/28:85, Quran.com/33:38), and the Messenger would’ve been GREATLY PUNISHED if he deviated even a BIT from REVELATION (Quran.com/17:73-74) or had ANY SAYINGS about Allah (Quran.com/69:38-47). Per Quran.com/55:1-4, ALLAH taught the Quran. Allah commanded (Quran.com/7:2-3, Quran.com/6:153) we follow ONLY the Quran and NOTHING ELSE. As clear by hovering over the Arabic, He EXPLICITLY said to remember Allah in the QURAN ALONE (Quran.com/17:46), and that ANYONE who does not judge by what ALLAH revealed is a disbeliever, wrongdoer & rebel (Quran.com/5:43-51). Per Quran.com/27:91, Prophet Muhammad was commanded to be of the “MUSLIMS” (NOT “Sunnis”, “Shias”, “Malikis”, “Sufis”, or ANY other sect!) ALL sects are MUSHRIKS (per Quran.com/30:31-32) and NO SECT has ANYTHING to do with the Messenger (Quran.com/6:159). In the GREATEST TESTIMONY (Quran.com/6:19), Allah ordered the Messenger to say he warned with the QURAN those with him AND whomever IT reaches (i.e. us). There’s NO mention of Hadith/Sunnah, and there is ZERO authorization in the Quran to write the Messenger’s personal words. Quran.com/6:114 says Allah is the ONLY judge/law-maker, and He revealed the BOOK explained in detail. Allah said the ONLY duty upon the messenger is the CLEAR NOTIFICATION (Quran.com/5:99, Quran.com/24/54). That doesn’t mean he said / she said! Allah ordered the Messenger to say HE HAS NO GUIDANCE FOR US (Quran.com/72:21). There is only ONE MESSAGE: the Quran! That’s confirmed by Quran.com/4:80: He who obeys the Messenger has obeyed Allah. (Of course, Allah’s MESSENGER only had Allah’s MESSAGE: The Quran!) Per Quran.com/4:87, no one is more truthful than Allah. Per Quran.com/43:78, Allah gave us the Truth, but most people HATE the Truth! Per Quran.com/10:32, Allah IS the TRUTH, and after the Truth there is ONLY MISGUIDANCE. 3 == QURAN EXPLICITLY PROHIBITS ALL HADITH Our Creator rhetorically asks “in WHICH ‘HADITH’ after Allah and His VERSES will they believe?” Imagine ALLAH asking you this! If your answer is “‘Sahih’ Bukhari as matching the Quran”, then read Quran.com/45:6-11 to see your PAINFUL PUNISHMENT, including His emphasis that the guidance is THE QURAN (45:11). “WHICH HADITH” means ALL Hadith is prohibited! Some argue against all the above Quran evidence, saying “IN WHICH HADITH…” means: if Quran says something, but Hadith says otherwise, then we follow Quran. But a simple example easily proves you’re fooling yourself: Quran.com/17:110 forbids praying Salat silently, yet you pray salat silently (partially or fully) at least 4 TIMES A DAY! So, you’re choosing HADITH and REJECTING the Quran every day! 4 == OBEY & FOLLOW THE MESSENGER Verses saying “obey the messenger” do not cancel out the countless verses (like those above)! Allah never said the Messenger has commands outside the Quran! The Messenger’s commands are IN THE FULLY-DETAILED QURAN, as HUNDREDS of verses contain “say …” and “they ask you about … say …”! So, “obeying the messenger” means following those verses. “Following the messenger” means to follow what he followed: the only message he gave us – which is the Quran (per Quran.com/6:19, Quran.com/7:2-3, Quran.com/7:203 and ALL the above verses). 5 == HADITH IS MISGUIDANCE, NOT IMPLEMENTATION So, as you can see in everything explained above, even the “Sahih” Hadiths are ALL MISGUIDANCE, not an IMPLEMENTATION as some say! (If you still don’t see this, please ask Allah swt to guide you, and re-read everything above, carefully.) An implementation is, for example: To pray, first we follow this verse, then that verse, etc. But as shown above, Allah PROHIBITS praying salat silently (Quran.com/17:110), but the fabricated “Sahih” Hadiths say “AFTER THE WAR (NOT MENTIONED IN THE QURAN) HE PRAYED AS HE WISHED”. This is basically telling you “don’t worry about what Quran says, just follow the Hadith!” This is OBVIOUS MISGUIDANCE (and NOT IMPLEMENTATION) – and this misguidance is followed strictly by ALL SUNNIS!! Shaytan misled the Muslims with his stories, as he did to Adam! The history simply keeps repeating: read Surat Al-Bayyinah (Quran.com/98), and you’ll see that people always deviate AFTER the SCRIPTURE has come to them! (Again, no mention of Hadith here, or ANY guidance outside REVELATION.) 6 == QURAN SAYS MOST ‘MUSLIMS’ WORSHIP SHAYTAN Per Quran.com/25:25-31, Allah swt told us that on Judgement Day the Messenger will complain MY PEOPLE have ABANDONED this Quran! Does this complaint AGAINST SO MANY “Muslims” lead to HEAVEN or HELL you think??? Allah know best. As I said above, per Quran.com/7:2-3, we’re instructed to ONLY follow the Quran and not any allies besides Allah. In the same Surah (Quran.com/7:28-32), Allah swt talks about the Muslims in the MOSQUES (7:29), then in 7:30 says: فَرِيقًا هَدَىٰ وَفَرِيقًا حَقَّ عَلَيْهِمُ الضَّلَالَةُ ۗ إِنَّهُمُ اتَّخَذُوا الشَّيَاطِينَ أَوْلِيَاءَ مِن دُونِ اللَّهِ وَيَحْسَبُونَ أَنَّهُم مُّهْتَدُونَ – 7:30 A group [of you] He guided, and a group deserved [to be in] error. Indeed, they had taken the devils as allies instead of Allah while they thought that they were guided. So, in the beginning of the Surah, Allah swt tells us to ONLY follow the Quran, and not to follow other than HIM any allies. A bit later, in verses 29-30, He mentioned that a PARTY OF MUSLIMS were guided, and another party (of Muslims) took Shaytan as an ally!! Right after, in 7:31, Allah tells us to take our ZEENAH (adornments) to EVERY MASJID! [For that reason, whenever we go for Hajj/Umrah/etc. we dress well – not TOWELS!! If someone told you to take your adornments, you would take something nice and modest, not TOWELS!!] In 7:32, Allah swt asks WHO has forbidden the zeenah… and says the zeenah is ONLY for the believers in the akhira! [Note that your IHRAM includes forbidding clothes during hajj! Allah swt NEVER authorized this!!] 7:33 tells us one of the things that are haram is: to associate with Allah that for which He has not send down authority! (Hadith is an obvious example of this per the countless verses above.) If you keep reading, you find in 7:48 the people of heaven tell the people of hell MA AGHNA 3ANKOM JAM3OKOM (meaning your large gathering did not help you). So, the unexpected minority enters heaven, per 7:49. 7 == CONFIRMATIONS OF ABOVE UNDERSTANDING Now for reasoning purposes… Let’s ASSUME that EVERYTHING ABOVE I HAVE UNDERSTOOD INCORRECTLY. This is JUST for reasoning. If Sunnis are on true guidance, then I should be able to find NO CONTRADICTIONS between [the generally accepted Hadiths which most Sunnis follow] AND [the Quran]. But as you’ll see below, there are TONS of obvious contradictions – and this just confirms that: All of the above instructions to keep us far away from EVERY Hadith are understood correctly!!! Per Quran.com/95:4, Allah (swt) created man “in the best of stature”, & per Quran.com/4:119, Satan orders us to “**change the creation of Allah**”. It’s no wonder why Muslims CIRCUMCISE (boys & some girls)! The same verse warns us against taking “Satan as an ally instead of Allah”! Per Quran.com/39:42, Allah takes & KEEPS the soul at time of death, but Satan says NO the soul is in the GRAVE. Per Quran.com/53:39 & Quran.com/6:164, no one will be credited from the deeds of another, but Satan says NO- do zakat/hajj/umrah/fast on behalf of the dead! Per Quran.com/46:9, Prophet Muhammad (as) is “not something original among the messengers”, but our Ummah believes the Prophet is the best of creation, that his name is on Allah’s THRONE & that he NEGOTIATED the number daily prayers with Allah to reduce them! Hadiths have made the messenger more merciful than the All-Merciful! More knowledgeable of creation’s ability than the All-Knowing! Satan has Muslims always calling the Prophet’s name in salat & other rituals, whereas the Prophet gave a SHIRK WARNING when people simply came up to him (Quran.com/72:18-21)! Muslims pray that Prophet Muhammad will get them out of the fire, whereas Allah (swt) MOCKS at the idea of him (or anyone) getting people out of the fire (Quran.com/39:19) & assures there will be NO intercession (Quran.com/2:254, Quran.com/2:48, Quran.com/2:123, Quran.com/6:51, Quran.com/6:70, Quran.com/7:53, Quran.com/26:100, Quran.com/32:4, Quran.com/36:23, Quran.com/39:44, Quran.com/40:18 & Quran.com/74:48). Per Quran.com/30:13, belief in intercession is SHIRK. Please do your own research, & focus only on Allah’s words. The ONLY authorized Shahadah is “La Illaha Il Allah” (Quran.com/3:18, Quran.com/21:25, Quran.com/39:45), and the ONLY time the fully-detailed Quran describes a Shahadah for other than Allah (actually it’s for Prophet Muhammad) is when Allah described the Hypocrites (Quran.com/63:1)! As for Zakat, it’s mentioned a LOT in the Quran, and we’re supposed to pay it (HAQAHU – the right) on the DAY of harvest (meaning the DAY of receiving income) – per Quran.com/6:141. But Satan says to do it once a year – as if people can wait a whole year to eat!! As for the zakat amount, the rule is not to chain your hand to your neck or extend it fully (Quran.com/17:29), but Shaytan said NO – pay 2.5%! As for Hajj, Allah swt tells us it is within known MONTHS (Quran.com/2:197), but Shaytan has made it within 10 DAYS!!! The examples are endless! 8 == CONCLUSION: SELF-STUDY & FOLLOW THE QURAN ALONE TO AVOID SHIRK Mankind promised to worship Allah alone (Quran.com/7:172-174) & to NOT worship Satan (Quran.com/36:60-64) – though we are warned that whoever follows Satan will be in Hell (Quran.com/15:42-43). Per Quran.com/36:62, Quran.com/6:128 & Quran.com/7:18 & Quran.com/11:119, Satan WILL mislead a GREAT multitude of mankind – leading them to Hell. Per Quran.com/6:66, the Messenger is told HIS PEOPLE have DENIED the Quran (and it’s the Truth). Quran.com/14:21-22, Quran.com/33:67, Quran.com/6:123, Quran.com/2:79, Quran.com/3:78, Quran.com/9:34, Quran.com/5:63, Quran.com/57:27, Quran.com/7:175-176, Quran.com/2:174-175, Quran.com/62:5 & Quran.com/26:88-101 warn that religious leaders are often CORRUPT. EVERY PROPHET has enemies, of mankind and jinn, collaborating in a massive plan to mislead others away from the SCRIPTURE, per Quran.com/6:112-116! The Islam that Allah revealed is VERY different than what we see today, and the Hadiths have put the Ummah into LAYERS of SHIRK!! Brothers & sisters, study this matter in detail, as your eternal afterlife is at risk – FOREVER! 9 == SOME HELPFUL RESOURCES A. Some evidence that Allah instructed us to ONLY follow the Quran: quran-islam.org/articles/a_dozen_reasons_(p1153).html B. Misinterpreted verses (commonly used to try to legitimize the Hadiths, and commonly used to idolize the Prophet against his will): quran-islam.org/main_topics/misinterpreted_verses_(P1224).html C. The Quran tells us how to perform Shahadah, Salat, Zakat, Hajj, Fasting – and it’s VERY different than the Islam we see: quran-islam.org/main_topics/pillars_(P1188).html 10 == YOUR HOMEWORK Always go back to the Quran alone and do your own research. Ask Allah swt for guidance, as no matter how much anyone shows you – NO ONE can guide you (or allow you to receive guidance) EXCEPT Allah swt. The above links show differences between what’s in the Quran and what Muslims practice, but avoid Shirk by making sure you’re following the QURAN ALONE and nothing else. 11 == BRING YOUR ‘SCHOLARS’ (“Hope that answers the question!” And no, Zakir Naik did not say what’s above. But who knows, maybe one day
QUESTION: Are we allowed to follow Hadiths?
ANSWER: Brozer asked a very good question. No you’re not allowed!
Our CREATOR said He PERFECTED our religion of Islam (Quran.com/5:3), that ONLY Islam will be accepted (Quran.com/3:85), and that following ANYTHING of the religion which Allah has not authorized is SHIRK (Quran.com/42:21). WHO perfected it? You think ALLAH perfected it, or those hearsay Hadith books written 200+ years later have perfected it?? ALLAH said the QURAN is: PERFECTED (Quran.com/11:1), COMPLETE (Quran.com/4:174), a clarification of ALL THINGS (Quran.com/16:89), contains EVERYTHING (Quran.com/17:12), FULLY-DETAILED (Quran.com/6:114), DIVERSIFIED (Quran.com/17:41 & Quran.com/20:113), CLEAR (Quran.com/12:1, Quran.com/3:138, Quran.com/6:105), is EASY to remember (Quran.com/54:17,22,32,40), has NO DOUBT (Quran.com/2:2), has NO DEVIANCE (Quran.com/18:1), has NO CROOKEDNESS (Quran.com/39:28), has NO CONTRADICTIONS (Quran.com/4:82), is in a CLEAR ARABIC LANGUAGE (Quran.com/16:103), has from EVERY example (Quran.com/18:54, Quran.com/30:58), is a detailed explanation of ALL THINGS (Quran.com/12:111), is the BEST TAFSIR (Quran.com/25:32), is the BEST NARRATIVE (Quran.com/12:1-2), is the BEST HADITH (Quran.com/39:17-18, Quran.com/39:23), is the ONE which guides to WHAT IS BEST (Quran.com/17:9), is AN IMAM (Quran.com/46:12), cannot be matched even if all man & jinn kinds helped each other (Quran.com/17:88), and is SUFFICIENT (Quran.com/29:51) … yet all of this is not sufficient for you – dear believer???
Our Creator said the majority is misguided (Quran.com/6:116, Quran.com/5:49) and are actually MUSHRIKS/POLYTHEISTS (Quran.com/12:106), and commanded us to REASON (Quran.com/8:22) and NOT follow blindly (Quran.com/17:36).
He ONLY preserved the QURAN (per Quran.com/15:9 & Quran.com/41:41-42, Quran.com/22:52), and told us to seek refuge when reading the QURAN (Quran.com/16:98). He said we CAN’T have 2 sources (Quran.com/39:29), and that those who study another book & choose from another book are CRIMINALS (Quran.com/68:35-38). He said inheriting the religion instead of following what Allah revealed leads to HELL (Quran.com/31:21). There is ZERO mention of ANY Prophet’s “Hadith” or “Sunnah” in the fully-detailed Quran. Allah swt said His SUNNAH has NO change or alteration (Quran.com/35:43), the Quran was IMPOSED on the Prophet (Quran.com/28:85, Quran.com/33:38), and the Messenger would’ve been GREATLY PUNISHED if he deviated even a BIT from REVELATION (Quran.com/17:73-74) or had ANY SAYINGS about Allah (Quran.com/69:38-47). Per Quran.com/55:1-4, ALLAH taught the Quran. Allah commanded (Quran.com/7:2-3, Quran.com/6:153) we follow ONLY the Quran and NOTHING ELSE. As clear by hovering over the Arabic, He EXPLICITLY said to remember Allah in the QURAN ALONE (Quran.com/17:46), and that ANYONE who does not judge by what ALLAH revealed is a disbeliever, wrongdoer & rebel (Quran.com/5:43-51). Per Quran.com/27:91, Prophet Muhammad was commanded to be of the “MUSLIMS” (NOT “Sunnis”, “Shias”, “Malikis”, “Sufis”, or ANY other sect!) ALL sects are MUSHRIKS (per Quran.com/30:31-32) and NO SECT has ANYTHING to do with the Messenger (Quran.com/6:159). In the GREATEST TESTIMONY (Quran.com/6:19), Allah ordered the Messenger to say he warned with the QURAN those with him AND whomever IT reaches (i.e. us). There’s NO mention of Hadith/Sunnah, and there is ZERO authorization in the Quran to write the Messenger’s personal words. Quran.com/6:114 says Allah is the ONLY judge/law-maker, and He revealed the BOOK explained in detail. Allah said the ONLY duty upon the messenger is the CLEAR NOTIFICATION (Quran.com/5:99, Quran.com/24/54). That doesn’t mean he said / she said! Allah ordered the Messenger to say HE HAS NO GUIDANCE FOR US (Quran.com/72:21). There is only ONE MESSAGE: the Quran! That’s confirmed by Quran.com/4:80: He who obeys the Messenger has obeyed Allah. (Of course, Allah’s MESSENGER only had Allah’s MESSAGE: The Quran!) Per Quran.com/4:87, no one is more truthful than Allah. Per Quran.com/43:78, Allah gave us the Truth, but most people HATE the Truth! Per Quran.com/10:32, Allah IS the TRUTH, and after the Truth there is ONLY MISGUIDANCE.
Our Creator rhetorically asks “in WHICH ‘HADITH’ after Allah and His VERSES will they believe?” Imagine ALLAH asking you this! If your answer is “‘Sahih’ Bukhari as matching the Quran”, then read Quran.com/45:6-11 to see your PAINFUL PUNISHMENT, including His emphasis that the guidance is THE QURAN (45:11). “WHICH HADITH” means ALL Hadith is prohibited! Some argue against all the above Quran evidence, saying “IN WHICH HADITH…” means: if Quran says something, but Hadith says otherwise, then we follow Quran. But a simple example easily proves you’re fooling yourself: Quran.com/17:110 forbids praying Salat silently, yet you pray salat silently (partially or fully) at least 4 TIMES A DAY! So, you’re choosing HADITH and REJECTING the Quran every day!
Verses saying “obey the messenger” do not cancel out the countless verses (like those above)! Allah never said the Messenger has commands outside the Quran! The Messenger’s commands are IN THE FULLY-DETAILED QURAN, as HUNDREDS of verses contain “say …” and “they ask you about … say …”! So, “obeying the messenger” means following those verses. “Following the messenger” means to follow what he followed: the only message he gave us – which is the Quran (per Quran.com/6:19, Quran.com/7:2-3, Quran.com/7:203 and ALL the above verses).
So, as you can see in everything explained above, even the “Sahih” Hadiths are ALL MISGUIDANCE, not an IMPLEMENTATION as some say! (If you still don’t see this, please ask Allah swt to guide you, and re-read everything above, carefully.) An implementation is, for example: To pray, first we follow this verse, then that verse, etc. But as shown above, Allah PROHIBITS praying salat silently (Quran.com/17:110), but the fabricated “Sahih” Hadiths say “AFTER THE WAR (NOT MENTIONED IN THE QURAN) HE PRAYED AS HE WISHED”. This is basically telling you “don’t worry about what Quran says, just follow the Hadith!” This is OBVIOUS MISGUIDANCE (and NOT IMPLEMENTATION) – and this misguidance is followed strictly by ALL SUNNIS!! Shaytan misled the Muslims with his stories, as he did to Adam! The history simply keeps repeating: read Surat Al-Bayyinah (Quran.com/98), and you’ll see that people always deviate AFTER the SCRIPTURE has come to them! (Again, no mention of Hadith here, or ANY guidance outside REVELATION.)
Per Quran.com/25:25-31, Allah swt told us that on Judgement Day the Messenger will complain MY PEOPLE have ABANDONED this Quran! Does this complaint AGAINST SO MANY “Muslims” lead to HEAVEN or HELL you think??? Allah know best. As I said above, per Quran.com/7:2-3, we’re instructed to ONLY follow the Quran and not any allies besides Allah. In the same Surah (Quran.com/7:28-32), Allah swt talks about the Muslims in the MOSQUES (7:29), then in 7:30 says:
فَرِيقًا هَدَىٰ وَفَرِيقًا حَقَّ عَلَيْهِمُ الضَّلَالَةُ ۗ إِنَّهُمُ اتَّخَذُوا الشَّيَاطِينَ أَوْلِيَاءَ مِن دُونِ اللَّهِ وَيَحْسَبُونَ أَنَّهُم مُّهْتَدُونَ – 7:30
A group [of you] He guided, and a group deserved [to be in] error. Indeed, they had taken the devils as allies instead of Allah while they thought that they were guided.
So, in the beginning of the Surah, Allah swt tells us to ONLY follow the Quran, and not to follow other than HIM any allies. A bit later, in verses 29-30, He mentioned that a PARTY OF MUSLIMS were guided, and another party (of Muslims) took Shaytan as an ally!! Right after, in 7:31, Allah tells us to take our ZEENAH (adornments) to EVERY MASJID! [For that reason, whenever we go for Hajj/Umrah/etc. we dress well – not TOWELS!! If someone told you to take your adornments, you would take something nice and modest, not TOWELS!!] In 7:32, Allah swt asks WHO has forbidden the zeenah… and says the zeenah is ONLY for the believers in the akhira! [Note that your IHRAM includes forbidding clothes during hajj! Allah swt NEVER authorized this!!] 7:33 tells us one of the things that are haram is: to associate with Allah that for which He has not send down authority! (Hadith is an obvious example of this per the countless verses above.) If you keep reading, you find in 7:48 the people of heaven tell the people of hell MA AGHNA 3ANKOM JAM3OKOM (meaning your large gathering did not help you). So, the unexpected minority enters heaven, per 7:49.
Now for reasoning purposes… Let’s ASSUME that EVERYTHING ABOVE I HAVE UNDERSTOOD INCORRECTLY. This is JUST for reasoning. If Sunnis are on true guidance, then I should be able to find NO CONTRADICTIONS between [the generally accepted Hadiths which most Sunnis follow] AND [the Quran]. But as you’ll see below, there are TONS of obvious contradictions – and this just confirms that: All of the above instructions to keep us far away from EVERY Hadith are understood correctly!!!
Per Quran.com/95:4, Allah (swt) created man “in the best of stature”, & per Quran.com/4:119, Satan orders us to “**change the creation of Allah**”. It’s no wonder why Muslims CIRCUMCISE (boys & some girls)! The same verse warns us against taking “Satan as an ally instead of Allah”! Per Quran.com/39:42, Allah takes & KEEPS the soul at time of death, but Satan says NO the soul is in the GRAVE. Per Quran.com/53:39 & Quran.com/6:164, no one will be credited from the deeds of another, but Satan says NO- do zakat/hajj/umrah/fast on behalf of the dead! Per Quran.com/46:9, Prophet Muhammad (as) is “not something original among the messengers”, but our Ummah believes the Prophet is the best of creation, that his name is on Allah’s THRONE & that he NEGOTIATED the number daily prayers with Allah to reduce them! Hadiths have made the messenger more merciful than the All-Merciful! More knowledgeable of creation’s ability than the All-Knowing! Satan has Muslims always calling the Prophet’s name in salat & other rituals, whereas the Prophet gave a SHIRK WARNING when people simply came up to him (Quran.com/72:18-21)! Muslims pray that Prophet Muhammad will get them out of the fire, whereas Allah (swt) MOCKS at the idea of him (or anyone) getting people out of the fire (Quran.com/39:19) & assures there will be NO intercession (Quran.com/2:254, Quran.com/2:48, Quran.com/2:123, Quran.com/6:51, Quran.com/6:70, Quran.com/7:53, Quran.com/26:100, Quran.com/32:4, Quran.com/36:23, Quran.com/39:44, Quran.com/40:18 & Quran.com/74:48). Per Quran.com/30:13, belief in intercession is SHIRK. Please do your own research, & focus only on Allah’s words. The ONLY authorized Shahadah is “La Illaha Il Allah” (Quran.com/3:18, Quran.com/21:25, Quran.com/39:45), and the ONLY time the fully-detailed Quran describes a Shahadah for other than Allah (actually it’s for Prophet Muhammad) is when Allah described the Hypocrites (Quran.com/63:1)! As for Zakat, it’s mentioned a LOT in the Quran, and we’re supposed to pay it (HAQAHU – the right) on the DAY of harvest (meaning the DAY of receiving income) – per Quran.com/6:141. But Satan says to do it once a year – as if people can wait a whole year to eat!! As for the zakat amount, the rule is not to chain your hand to your neck or extend it fully (Quran.com/17:29), but Shaytan said NO – pay 2.5%! As for Hajj, Allah swt tells us it is within known MONTHS (Quran.com/2:197), but Shaytan has made it within 10 DAYS!!! The examples are endless!
Mankind promised to worship Allah alone (Quran.com/7:172-174) & to NOT worship Satan (Quran.com/36:60-64) – though we are warned that whoever follows Satan will be in Hell (Quran.com/15:42-43). Per Quran.com/36:62, Quran.com/6:128 & Quran.com/7:18 & Quran.com/11:119, Satan WILL mislead a GREAT multitude of mankind – leading them to Hell. Per Quran.com/6:66, the Messenger is told HIS PEOPLE have DENIED the Quran (and it’s the Truth). Quran.com/14:21-22, Quran.com/33:67, Quran.com/6:123, Quran.com/2:79, Quran.com/3:78, Quran.com/9:34, Quran.com/5:63, Quran.com/57:27, Quran.com/7:175-176, Quran.com/2:174-175, Quran.com/62:5 & Quran.com/26:88-101 warn that religious leaders are often CORRUPT. EVERY PROPHET has enemies, of mankind and jinn, collaborating in a massive plan to mislead others away from the SCRIPTURE, per Quran.com/6:112-116!
The Islam that Allah revealed is VERY different than what we see today, and the Hadiths have put the Ummah into LAYERS of SHIRK!! Brothers & sisters, study this matter in detail, as your eternal afterlife is at risk – FOREVER!
A. Some evidence that Allah instructed us to ONLY follow the Quran: quran-islam.org/articles/a_dozen_reasons_(p1153).html
B. Misinterpreted verses (commonly used to try to legitimize the Hadiths, and commonly used to idolize the Prophet against his will): quran-islam.org/main_topics/misinterpreted_verses_(P1224).html
C. The Quran tells us how to perform Shahadah, Salat, Zakat, Hajj, Fasting – and it’s VERY different than the Islam we see: quran-islam.org/main_topics/pillars_(P1188).html
Always go back to the Quran alone and do your own research. Ask Allah swt for guidance, as no matter how much anyone shows you – NO ONE can guide you (or allow you to receive guidance) EXCEPT Allah swt. The above links show differences between what’s in the Quran and what Muslims practice, but avoid Shirk by making sure you’re following the QURAN ALONE and nothing else.
(“Hope that answers the question!” And no, Zakir Naik did not say what’s above. But who knows, maybe one day – inShaAllah. A while ago, Dr. Zakir Abdul Karim Naik was tagged in the comments, and asked to elaborate more on this response in his next lecture, but no response has been provided so far.)
14:27. Allah keeps firm those who believe, with the firm word, in worldly life and in the Hereafter. And Allah sends astray the wrongdoers. And Allah does what He wills.
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