This article is written in a dialogue format. The discussion is on the reliability of hadith and Sunna. It is difficult to cover all the questions in one article, but I have tried to cover some of them here.
[The questions from the hadith follower are written in bold text]
Do you follow hadith?
I only follow the hadith of Quran.
I mean to say “the sayings of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH)”
Yes I follow that.
But you said you only follow the hadith of Quran. Is it not the contradiction in your statements?
No because the only divine message bestowed upon Prophet Muhammad was Quran.
The best hadith is the hadith of Allah came from Messenger and preserved in Quran (4:87, 7:185, 39:23, 45:6, 53:24, 68:44 and 77:50)
Prophet Muhammad was not authorized to deliver any message other than Quran (69:45-48 and 53:4). He only gave the message from Quran (6:19, 50:45, 16:44, 16:64, 14:1, 6:155, 4:105, 18:27)
Hadith and Quran have been protected in a similar manner. Why you reject one and accept other.
Allah is the guardian / protector of Quraan. (15:9-10, 85:21-22).
Allah has guaranteed that no falsehood can approach to it (41:42). It is the recorded scripture (52:1-2).
However I don’t find any verse that says the sayings of Prophet Muhammad or his Sunnah will be protected too.
We should not follow any other message blindly (2:170, 6:116, 7:28).
Prophet Muhammad received the revelation of Quran. Therefore, He can understand it better than the one who came after him.
The Quran is easy to understand (24:58, 39:28, 41:1-3, 54:17, 54:22, 54:32 and 54:40) and it does not require any other message for the clarification because it is taught by Allah (44:2 and 55:1-2).
But Sunnah of Prophet Muhammad explains Quran.
No, Allah has explained the Quran (6:46, 6:65, 6:105, 7:58, 17:41, 89,18:54, 20:113, 25:50 and 46:27)
Then why Allah has set good example for us in the life of Prophet Muhammad. (refer 33:21).
Please note the word Muhammad is not used in this verse. Interestingly the same statement is used for Prophet Ibrahim and those with him (60:4 and 60:6), where Quran uses the word Ibrahim. However, we don’t have any hadith or chain of transmission that goes back to Prophet Ibrahim’s time.
Quran is the only source to find the life example of Prophet Ibrahim and should also be considered as the only source to find the life examples of Prophet Muhammad.
Muslims should follow the teachings of Prophet Muhammd.
Muslim is not the name of any sect or cult. In fact anyone who provides safety and peace to others is a Muslim. The word Muslim was also given to previous nations who had provided peace,
22:78 . “He named you Muslims (both) before this and (again) in this (Book the Qur’ân)…
Allah has given the same message to all His Prophets (17:77). Therefore, Prophet Muhammad did not bring new message. As per Quran one must not make any distinction among the Prophets (3:84-85, 2:136). But unfortunately people use verse 33:21 to inject the Sunnat of Prophet Muhammad/Sharia laws.
Then how can you offer Salaat ?
Can you give me a single verse where the word offer is used in connection to Salaat.
Don’t you see Aqim as Salaat (a repeated verse in Quran)
Aqimas salat does not mean offer the salat. It means establish salat.
Ok, how can you establish Salat without Sunnah.
Through Quran.
Tell me the timings of Prayer, order of prostration, bowing etc. It is not possible!
Quranic Salat is not limited to ritualistic mode of worship. We can remember Allah any time and in any position (4:103)
You mean to say we should forsake what has been practiced for the past so many years.
The same reply was from the people of Prophet Shoaib when he addressed the actual meaning of Salaat.
11:87 They said, “O Shoaib! Does your Salaat command that we should forsake the worship that our fathers practised? Or, that we leave off doing what we like to do with our economy? Behold, you want us to think that you are the only clement, and the rightly guided man among us.”
Do you think Muslims from centuries were practicing wrong way of Prayer?
I am not authorized to judge anyone neither have I said that they were wrong. Quran insists the reader to use his/her own intellect and reasoning (6:116, 25:44 and 36:62).
8:22. “Indeed, the vilest of living animals, in God’s sight, are the deaf, the dumb and those that do not use their intellect (yAQLun)”
5:104. “And when it is said to them, Come to what Allah has revealed and to the Messenger, they say: That on which we found our fathers is sufficient for us. What! even though their fathers knew nothing and did not follow the right way”.
Do you prefer your intellect over the majority of Muslims today?
My faith does not depend on how the majority of people think. It depends on how I use the divine guidance and bring peace around me and people whom I interact with in my daily life.
By the way if one prefers to follow the majority of people over his/her own intellect then he/she might go wrong.
6:116. “And if you obey most of those in the earth, they will mislead you from the way of God. They follow but assumption / conjecture (Zana) and they only guess / lie (Yakhrasun)“
Allah has created us and Jin to worship (Ibadah) Him, refer 51:56. And you are denying the very purpose of our creation.
As per my understanding the obedience is the actual meaning of IBADAH, which is normally translated as worship by the traditionalists. One should do the Ibadah of Allah in all senses (51:56. physically as well mentally)
The purpose of our creation is to do Ibadah of Allah. Do you think five prayers that take very short time compare to the whole life of an individual, can justify the purpose of creation.
Quran says “And whatever the Messenger has given you – take; and what he has forbidden you – refrain from. And fear Allah” (59:7). Don’t you think it supports hadith and Sunnah?
It is always important to take context into consideration. For example Quran says “O believers don’t go near Salaat” (4:43). Referring to part of the verse or half verse can lead to confusion and contradiction. However if we read the full verse it says “O believers don’t go near Salaat, while you are under SUKARAA as long as you become able to apprehend what you are saying”.. Therefore if we leave the context, we may get the wrong message.
Same thing happened with verse 59:7, many people refer this verse for the justification of Hadith and Sunnah but they leave the context completely.
59:7. And what Allah restored to His Messenger from the people of the towns – it is for Allah and for the Messenger and for [his] near relatives and orphans and the [stranded] traveler – so that it will not be a perpetual distribution among the rich from among you. And whatever the Messenger has given you – take; and what he has forbidden you – refrain from. And fear Allah ; indeed, Allah is severe in penalty.
So the above verse is not addressing following hadiths or Sunnah. This verse deals with distribution of resources among different category of people through Messenger. Also refer 8:41.
How do you know how much Zakaah (obligatory charity) to pay without using hadith and Sunnah of Prophet Muhammad?
In Quran the word Zakah refers to purity, innocence or to be clean (18:81, 19:13, 18:74, 24:21 and 23:4). This can be achieved through consistently following and establishing the Divine guidance in one’s life.
Sadly according to traditional Muslims, Zakah is being paid once in a year. Does it mean that the poor and needy feel hunger once in a year?
However one should spend in Allah’s cause day and night, in secret and in public (2:274). Quran gives detail insight about the distribution of wealth. (Refer 2:215, 219, 261-273, 3:134).
How do you justify the repeated Quranic verse “Obey Allah and obey Messenger”. We are instructed to do obedience of Prophet Muhammad.
The one who convey someone’s message is known as Messenger. The context of Quran defines the role of Messenger (Rasool). For example the servant / ambassador of king who was sent by king to Prophet Yousuf in jail was also named as Messenger (12:50).
Therefore, obey Allah and obey Messenger means obey the Message of Allah.
Furthermore, Quran never says obey Muhammad /obey Jesus/obey Yousuf /obey Musa etc. We are always instructed to follow the message of Allah (6:155, 7:3, 16:64, 33:2, 2:127) not the personal views of Messengers. Prophet Muhammad was also normal human being (5:109, 6:50, 18:110, 41:6) and he could not benefit, harm or guide others (Refer 10:49, 28:56 and 72:21). The duty of Messenger of Allah is to deliver the message of Allah clearly (5:92, 64:12, 24:54, 14:52, 5:67).
Allah says you cannot have faith until you make Prophet Muhammad as judge in all disputes (refer 4:65)
This verse is not talking about faith. Please note that Momin is the one who provides peace to others. Allah is also Momin (refer verse 59:23). Since Allah does not change His words [refer 6:34, 6:115, 10:64, 18:27 and 50:29).
Therefore this verse (4:65) says that you can not establish peace until you judge all disputes as per the message of Allah Please also note that the word Muhammad is not used in this verse The word used is, Messenger.
If you consider obey Allah and obey Messenger as two different sources of legislation then it means that we have two sources of commandments. However, Quran clearly negates such concepts;
“Surely the HUKM (Commandments) is for none, but Allah.” (12: 40)
“He does not make anyone His associate in His HUKM (Commandments)” (18: 26)
Quran is the only judge (5:44-50,6:114-116,68:36-38).
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