Saturday, March 21, 2020

Sahadat by Siraj Islam fbfd

Lamp of Islam

A preface to “22 serious reasons shahada should contain no name except God’s”

Shahada or testimony to God’s oneness – the original formula and the focal point of Islam that was held so dearly by the Prophet and his followers including Khulafa-e-Rashideen and early Muslims – has long ago been hijacked by idol-worshippers1 and remained in their hands throughout the centuries.

The evil forces of idolatry have distorted the testimony of Oneness by associating God with ‘others’2! Yet the Quran invites people to base their faith on REASONING, and not on blind following3 of the ‘unquestionable’ authorities and religious celebrities.

Now, shahada, the core of Islam, is simply an enlightened state of mind of consciously witnessing the oneness of the Divine (3:18-19). It implies witnessing the Oneness of The Reality, and therefore the oneness of nature, and therefore the oneness of life, and therefore the oneness of humanity, and so forth. By definition, this can have no name in it except God’s.

Clearly, shahada, a state of awareness, was never meant to be a credo or religious formula for public declaration as later misconstrued by the followers of the sectarian add-ons. This explains why it never appeared as a credo in a dated Muslim text before the reign of the 5th Umayyad Caliph ʿAbd al-Malik (685–705) when some Muhammad-worshippers started requiring it as a politico-theological slogan to address the specific demands of their time.

A review of the Dated texts and coins mentioning Prophet Muḥammad from the earlier Islamic decades and Abbasid coins exposes the gradual distortion of the Quranic shahada (the testimony of Unity) into the present day “dual shahada” (shahadatan, the testimony of Duality). It reveals how this distorted shahada went through a devolution: first as a concept, then as a military slogan and finally as a well-devised politico-theological formula. And how Muhammad’s name was slowly permeated next to God’s name over the decades in line with an ever-increasing idolization of the messenger. And also, how this occurred partly as a Muslim response to their non-Muslim challengers during the period of Arab expansion.

Thus the extended shahada – which binds and couples the testimony of God’s oneness with the testimony of Muhammad’s messengership in an interwoven formula – evolved as a violation and antithesis to the original, monotheistic concept of Islam.

It was formulated by Muhammadans after the Prophet’s death and during the first decades of the Islamic era in a specific environment – under the pressure of various socio-economic, political and psycho-theological factors – in order to serve, on the first place, specific purposes of various interest groups of that time. …

Our study 22 serious reasons shahada should contain no name except God’s is a humble attempt to reinforce the recent trend that aims to return Islam’s core principle to its true followers.



Note 1

The Quran highlights the reason the original shahada, La ilaha illa Allah, is seized and then transmuted with extension by the Muhammad-worshippers: For when it was said to them, LA ILAHA ILLA ALLAH, they revealed arrogance./ And said: What! Shall we give up our gods for the sake of a poet possessed? 37:35-36

Note 2

The evil forces of idolatry have distorted the testimony to the Oneness by associating God with ‘others’: When God Alone is mentioned, the minds of those who do not acknowledge the End are filled with aversion; and when others are mentioned beside Him, they rejoice! 39:45 (cf. 36:61-62)

Note 3

The Quran invites people to base their faith on REASONING, and not on blind following of the ‘unquestionable’ authorities and religious celebrities (4:174, 8:42, 10:100, 11:17, 17:36, 33:67,  36:61-62, 74:30-31): And they would say: Our Sustainer! We obeyed our leaders and our great ones, and they led us astray from the Way. 33:67And that you should serve Me alone? That is the straight path./ And he (devil) misled a great many of you: Could you not then use your REASON? 36:61-62

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A summary of “22 serious reasons shahada should contain no name except God’s”In "Shahada"

22 serious reasons shahada should contain no name except God’sIn "Shahada"

La ilaha illa Allah is the only shahada found in the QuranIn "Shahada"

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Siraj Islam 1h

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