By only following the direct commands and instructions from ALLAH SWT can you be successful! Remember the law can only come by him 5:44-49
1- Believe in the One God, His angels, His Scripture and His messengers (2:285)
2- Worship God alone (17:23)
3- Devote the religion purely to God alone (39:11)
4- Strive in the cause of God (9:20)
5- Revere and obey God (64:16)
6- Remember God frequently (33:41)
7- Praise and glorify God as often as you can (50:39, 30:18, 40:55, 20:130, 52:48, 52:49, 20:130).
8- Put your trust in God (64:13)
9- Fear no one but God (2:150)
10- Love God the most (2:165)
11- Repent to God and seek His forgiveness (11:90)
12- Implore God (40:60)
13- Thank God and show gratitude (16:114, 14:7)
14- Proclaim God's blessings to others (93:11)
15- Call God by His Beautiful Names (7:180)
Religious Obligations
16- Utter the Shahada for the name of God alone (3:18)
17- Observe the Salat (24:56)
18- Pay the Zakat (24:56)
19- Fast the month of Ramadan (2:185)
20- Perform Hajj and Umrah (2:196)
21- Utter God's name on what you eat (6:118)
22- Read the Quran carefully and meditate on its meaning (4:82, 47:24)
23- Seek refuge in God before reciting the Quran (16:98)
Islamic Behaviour
24- Always give honest testimony, even against your parents and close ones (4:135)
25- Treat parents kindly (17:23)
26- Draw a will when death is near (2:180)
27- Seek the Hereafter (17:19) and invest for it, without forgetting your share in the worldy life (28:77)
28- Debate with wisdom and sound advice (16:125)
29- Forgive the faults of others (24:22, 45:14)
30- Speak the truth (33:24)
31- Enjoy God's blessings (5:88, 71:12, 14:34)
32- Maintain sexual morality before marriage (24:33)
33- Be charitable (33:35), and giving charity in secret is better (2:271)
34- Practice what you preach (2:44)
35- Lower your gaze (24:30-31)
36- Purify your 'self' (9:108)
37- Prisoners of war are to be treated well and freed by the end of the war (76:8, 47:4)
38- Spend your money in the cause of God (2:195)
39- Dress nicely when visiting the masjid (7:31)
40- Verify everything before following it (17:36)
41- Free slaves (90:13)
42- Apply the law of equivalence (2:178, 22:60, 42:40)
43- Advocate righteousness and forbid evil (3:110)
44- Exercise patience (3:186)
45- Honour the contracts (5:1)
46- Fulfil your oaths and pledges (2:177, 3:76, 17:34)
47- Be upright and straight in conduct (46:13)
48- If you forget, remember God for guidance (18:24)
49- Lower your tone when you speak (31:19)
50- Greet with the word "peace" (6:54)
51- Return a greeting with same or a better one (4:86)
52- Reconcile between believing brothers who fight (49:10), believing groups who fight (49:9) and any people who fight (4:114)
53- Live in peace with those who offer you peace (8:61, 4:90)
54- Honour your treaties (9:4)
55- Suppress your anger (3:134)
56- Think good of others (24:12)
57- Turn away from vain talk (23:3)
58- Be humble (25:63)
59- Repel the bad deed with a good deed (41:34)
60- Stay away from sins and immoralities (53:32)
61- Mediate good deeds (4:85)
62- Speak in a correct and straightforward manner (33:70)
63- Speak gentle words, even to your enemies (20:44)
64- If unable to help a needy person, at least speak nice words to him (17:28)
65- Win over your enemies with good deeds (41:34)
66- Believers settle issues between them democratically through consultation
67- If you punish, give a punishment that is equivalent to what you received
68- Live with your wife in kindness (4:19)
69- Write down loan agreements and have them witnessed (2:282)
70- Grant the debtor more time if he faces difficulties (2:280)
71- If you are called upon, judge equitably between people (4:58)
72- Uphold justice (4:135)
73- Adhere to the Quranic rules for marriage and divorce
74- Follow the Quranic dress code
Do not do's
Obligations to God
1- Do not commit shirk (associate anyone with God) (4:36)
2- Do not worship the devil (36:60-61)
3- Do not love anyone as the love of God (2:165)
4- Do not use God's name in vain oaths (2:224)
5- Do not fabricate lies about God (6:21)
6- Do not prohibit what God did not prohibit (16:116, 66:1)
Religious Obligations
7- Do not accept or follow any hadith other than the Quran (45:6)
8- Do not accept any substitute to the Sunna of God (33:62)
9- Do not worship nor idolise the prophets or the angels (3:79-80)
10- Do not call on anyone other than God (35:13-14, 72:18)
11- Do not use the masjid to commemorate any name other than God's name (72:18)
12- Do not corrupt God's words (2:79, 3:78)
13- Do not conceal God's words knowingly (2:159)
14- Do not enter any masjid where deviation is practiced (9:107-108)
15- Do not distinguish between God's messengers (2:285)
16- Do not call God your 'Father' nor say you are the 'Children of God' (5:18)
17- Do not force others into the religion (2:256)
18- Do not argue against God's revelations (40:4)
Non-Islamic Behaviour
19- Do not allow money or children distract you from the remembrance of God (24:37, 63:9)
20- Do not claim purity for yourself (53:32)
21- Do not idolise your children, spouse, parents, or money (9:24)
22- Do not ally with your family members if they choose disbelief over belief (923)
23- Do not make your ego your god (25:43)
24- Do not charge a fee for preaching God's cause (38:86)
25- Do not suspect others without justification (49:12)
26- Do not insult or call each other names (49:11)
27- Do not lie (22:30)
28- Do not aggress: fight only those who fight you (2:190, 8:61)
29- Do not turn back and flee in battle (2:191)
30- Do not oppress others, for oppression can be worse than murder (2:217)
31- Do not spy on others (49:12)
32- Do not ridicule others (49:11)
33- Do not follow an act of charity with abuse (2:263)
34- Do not withhold testimony (2:283)
35- Do not confuse the truth with falsehood (2:42)
36- Do not say "I will" without saying "If God wills" (18:24)
37- Do not shout the Salat nor whisper it (17:110)
38- Do not approach the Salat lazily (9:54)
39- Do not be too thrifty nor too stingy (17:29)
40- Do not cause corruption in the land (7:56)
41- Do not take or give bribes (2:188)
42- Do not conceal the truth knowingly (2:42)
43- Do not use foul language (4:148)
44- Do not backbite (49:12)
45- Do not ignore or turn away from those who seek your help (80:1-4)
46- Do not enter homes without being welcomed (24:27)
47- Do not enter homes from their backs (2:189)
48- Do not throw yourselves into destruction (2:195)
49- Do not be arrogant and boastful (17:37, 31:18)
50- Do not seek praise for what you did not earn or deserve (3:188)
51- Do not rip women and wives of their money (4:19-20)
52- Do not envy or be jealous of others (20:131)
53- Do not utter slander (68:11)
54- Do not spread rumours (24:15)
55- Do not abuse the believers (33:58)
56- Do not exaggerate in your religion (4:170)
57- Do not say what you do not do (61:3)
58- Do not insult others' false gods (6:108)
59- Do not seek reward nor thanks for your good deeds (76:9)
60- Do not have sex with your spouse during menstruation (2:222)
61- Do not mediate bad deeds (4:85)
62- Do not ask too many favours of people, even if you are poor (2:273)
63- Do not mock those who have little to give or contribute (9:79)
64- Do not accuse others falsely (24:4)
65- Do not call anyone a disbeliever without evidence (4:94)
66- Do not dismiss some news you hear merely because the source is a wicked person, but verify all news before acting upon it (49:6)
67- Do not sit with those who mock God's revelations until they engage in a different talk (4:140)
68- Do not treat people harshly or hardheartedly (3:159)
69- Do not uphold religious matters merely through inheritance (2:170)
70- Do not be fooled by fancy talk (2:204)
71- Do not spend your money to show off in front of the people (2:264)
72- Do not kill except in the course of justice (6:151)
73- Do not commit adultery (17:32)
74- Do not cheat orphans of their money (6:152)
75- Do not give false witness (25:72)
76- Do not commit theft (5:38)
77- Do not eat the prohibited foods (5:3)
78- Do not mistreat your parents 17:23
79- Do not consume usury (2:275)
80- Do not cheat the weight and scales (7:85)
81- Do not use intoxicants nor engage in gambling (2:219, 7:33)
82- Do not marry those who are committing shirk (2:221)
83- Do not marry various categories, like sisters, daughters, etc (4:23-24)
84- Do not force wives to stay against their will (2:231)
85- Do not break up into sects (6:159)